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Vajiria princely state court fee / revenue stamp

VAJIRIA                                                                               NON   SALUTE   STATE

The Princely State of Vajiria, also known as Vajiri, was amongst the princely states of India during the rule of the British Empire in India. During the early 19th century, the region was appointed as one of the princely states under the indirect rule of the British administration. The region was extended over a total area of 21 Sq.Miles and comprised of a total population of 6,832 in the year 1941. The territory of Vajiria was one of the 27 states which formed up the Sankheda Mehvassi, located on the banks of the Narbada (Narmada) River, in eastern Gujarat. It was incorporated as a part of the erstwhile Rewa Kantha Agency. The region was perhaps the most significant unit in the Sankheda Mehvassi. The princely state of Vajiria or Vajiri was segmented into 3 separate blocks of territory in the west central portion of the Sankheda Mehvassi.

The Princely State of Vajiria was bounded by Baroda in the north; by the state of Agar in the east; by the territories of Nilia and Nangam in the south; and by Bhilodia in the west. The native state was under the administrative control of the Baroda Agency, which was incorporated as a part of the 
Western India States Agency. Later the territory was merged with the state of Gujarat.

The Rathor Rajputs were the original rulers of the princely state. Several cadet branches of the ruling family of Vajiria reigned over the regions of Dudhpur, Bihora, Vasan Sawad, Nangam and Vora. Initially the land used to be a large estate but was later sub divided and the princely state was formed. The succession of the throne was governed by the rule of male primogeniture. The native ruler of the princely state of Vajiria, held the title of Thakor, possessed restricted jurisdictional authority and powers of law enforcement. Until the abolition of classes in the year 1928, the Princely State of Vajiria was a jurisdictionary state of the fifth class. 

Court fee stamps :--

Type-5  :- Used in 1940-45 AD, Size 81x38mm. , Perf. 12, Wove paper

Five Rupees , Green , Ref. # 60 
Twenty Rupees , Brownish Yellow , Ref. # 62 
