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Sirmoor / sirmaur princely state court fee / revenue stamp

SIRMOOR (SIRMOUR or NAHAN)                             11  GUN  SALUTE  STATE

Sirmur (also spelled as SirmorSirmaurSirmour,or Sirmoor) was an independent kingdom in India, founded in 1616, located in the region that is now the Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh. The state Headquarters  was at Nahan, so after its main city, The State was also known as  Nahan State . Sirmur was ruled by the chiefs of Rajput lineage, who used the title "Raja", later "Maharaja", granted by the British. The Rajputs of Sirmur were fierce warriors who maintained their independence before becoming a protectorate of British India. The state ranked predominant amongst the Punjab hill States. It had an area of 1198 square miles and a revenue of 300,000 rupees in 1891.


Type  10  :- 1885-96 , Size 25 X 30 mm., Perf. 10 , Wove paper 

One Anna, Rose Pink , Ref. # 101

Revenue  Stamp

Type  14  :- 1885-96 , Size 21.5 X 25.5 mm., Perf. 14, 15 , Wove paper

One Anna, Deep Green , Ref. 141 

(Overprinted Revenue in Black )

Provisional  Revenue Stamp  :-

1885-96 , Size 21.5 X 25.5 mm., Perf. 14, 15 , Wove paper

Six Pies , Deep Green 

(Overprinted Revenue One anna on Six Pies in Red )

Postage stamp used as Revenue 

Two Annas , Brownish Red

Type  15  :- 1940-45 , Size 23 X 27  mm., Perf. 10 , Wove paper

One Anna, Green , Ref. 151

3  PIES 


3  PIES 

