was a predecessor state known as Umatwara,
whose chief received the princely title of Rawat (equivalent
to Raja) in 1448.In 1681 the state was divided into Rajgarh and Narsinghgarh State between the two sons
of the Rawat Chhatar Singh, Rawat Mohan Singh and Rawat Parasramji. The
daughter Mrinalini fled to the Himalayas and named her new seat (in
present Himachal Pradesh) Rajgarh as well.
After India's independence in 1947, the last ruling Raja acceded to the
Indian government on 15 June 1948. Rajgarh became part of Madhya
Bharatstate, which was formed out of the western half of the Raj's
Central India Agency of princely states. In 1956 Madhya Bharat was merged
into Madhya Pradesh state. The Rajput
dynasty continues the line of nominal Rajas.
Court Fees
Stamps :--
Type-5 :- Used in 1926-30 A.D. , Size 85 X 41 mm. ,
Perf. 12 , Wove paper
One Rupee , Rose Red , Ref. # 65
Type-8 :- Used in 1948-50
A.D. , Size 86 X 41 mm. , Perf. 12 , Wove paper
Type-20 - Provisional series, issued in 1942-45,Type
6 Court fee stamps overprinted for revenue use in black at top and bottom .
One Anna, Rose Red, Ref. # 200a
( overprinted with Navy Blue One Anna
on one Rupee Court fee stamp )
One Anna, Rose Red, Ref. # 201a
( overprinted with Navy Blue One Anna
on two Rupees Court fee stamp )
Two Annas, Rose Red, Ref. # 204
( overprinted with Brown Two Annas on two Rupees Court fee stamp )
Receipt Stamp :-
10 :- 1940-45 , Size 27.5 X 37.5 mm. , Perf.12, Wove paper.
This stamp was created by overprinted receipt stamp in English and Rashidi
ticket in Hindi reading upwards, on the portrait portion of the court fee type
One Anna, Rose Red (B printed in
black colour), Ref. # 122
(Receipt Stamp overprinted on 2 Rupee stamp)
:- 1948 AD , Size 29 X 42 mm. , Perf.12, Wove paper. This stamp was created by
overprinting Rashidi ticket in Hindi , on the top of the portrait portion of
the court fee type 8 and value in Hindi at the bottom over value panel.
Type 14 b :- 1948 AD , Size 28-30
X 35 mm. As type 14 A but overprint and surcharge are in smaller letters
and read vertically up at the sides of the stamp.
Revenue Stamp :-
15 :- Used in 1930-40A.D. , Size 22 X 24 mm. , Perf.12, Wove
One Anna, Brown , Ref.
# 152
Type 16 :- Used in 1940A.D. , Size 31 X 35 mm. , Perf.12, Wove paper
17 :- Used in 1948A.D. , Size 21 X 25 mm. , Perf.8, Wove paper
One Anna, Teal Blue , Ref.
# 171
18 :- Used in 1944-48A.D. , Size 21.5 X 24.5 mm. , Perf.12,
Wove paper
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