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Nandgaon princely state court fee / revenue stamp

NANDGAON                                                                             NON  SALUTE  STATE

Nandgaon state is formerly Raipur Agency, now in Madhya Pradesh State , Area of state was 871 Sq miles and population of state was 1,82,380 in1931. Now a days it is called Rajnanadgaon

The foundation of the estate of Nandgaon hails back to Prahlad Das, a shawl merchant who in the 18th century had migrated from the Punjab region. When he settled in Ratanpur the area was ruled by the Bhonsle clan of Marathas.

Prahlad Das belonged the Bairagi sect whose members practised strict celibacy. The word 'Bairagi' is derived from the Sanskrit Vairāgya, meaning 'freedom from passions'. Succession was ensured by chosen disciples, Chela, who became Mahants and inherited all the possessions of their predecessor. Prahlad Das became wealthy and after his death his disciple Hari Das was given power and influence by the local Maratha ruler who promoted him as his spiritual advisor. After about a century the Mahants had acquired the four parganas of Nandgaon, Pandadah, Mohgaon and Dongargaon, former feudatory estates of the Raja of Nagpur.

Court  Fees Stamps :-                                                                                                        

Type- 2  :-  1885 AD, British India Court Fee of 1882 (Victoria) , overprinted with                                       “NANDGAON / STATE”. Size 77 x  36 mm., Perf. 14.

One Anna , Violet Ref. # 30 

Type- 3  :-  1905 AD, British India Court Fee of 1904 (Edward VII) , overprinted with                                                              “NANDGAON / STATE”. Size 77 x  36 mm., Perf. 14.

One Anna , Violet Ref. # 40 

Type- 3A  :-  1915 AD, British India Court Fee of 1913 (George V) , overprinted with                                           “NANDGAON / STATE”. Size 77 x  36 mm., Perf. 14.

One Anna , Brownish Violet Ref. # 60

Six Annas , Violet Ref. # 64

Twelve Annas , Brownish Violet Ref. # 66

 One Rupee , Brownish Violet Ref. # 67

Five Rupee , Brownish Violet Ref. # 73
Six Rupee , Brownish Violet , Ref. # 74

Type- 3B  :-  1925 AD, British India Court Fee of 1913 with the portrait of  King George V  is  overprinted with , “RAJNANDGAON / STATE”. Size 77 x  36 mm., Perf. 14.
Eight Annas , Brownish Violet Ref. # 85
5 Rupees , Brown Violet , Ref. # 89
Type- 3C  :-  used in 1938, British India Court Fee of 1937 KGVI , overprinted ,                                                 “NANDGAON / STATE”.

4 Annas , Plum, Ref. # 103
8 Annas , Plum, Ref. # 105 

Revenue  Stamp :-

Type- 15  :-  used in 1934-45, British Indian Revenue series, overprinted  with,                                           “RAJNANDGAON / STATE” in black.

One Anna , Brown Violet , Ref. # 151

Half Anna , Green, Size 20x 23 mm., Raeisi Dak Ticket/ Sansthan Rajnand gaon 
