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Miraj junior princely state court fee/revenue stamp

MIRAJ  JUNIOR                                                                     NON  SALUTE  STATE

Indian Princely State Miraj Junior, Formerly Southern Maratha Country, later Deccan States Agency, now in Maharashtra State. Area of the state 508 Sq.Km. and  Population was 40,686 in 1931. Privy purse was 50,454 Rs. at the time of accession on 8  March1948 .

                           Miraj Junior was one of two Maratha princely states during the British Raj: 'Miraj Senior' and Miraj Junior. The two states separated in 1820. It was under the southern division of the Bombay Presidency, forming part of the southern Mahratta Jagirs, and later the Deccan States Agency.

                     The State of Miraj, the predecessor state, was founded before 1750 and within its limits was the former capital of the State of Sangli before the British Raj. Raja Govind Rao Patwardhan, 1st Ruler of Miraj, began as a cavalry commander. He distinguished himself in several expeditions against the Nizam of Hyderabad and Hyder Ali of Mysore, established the Marathaascendancy in southern India and pushed the Maratha conquests to the frontier of Mysore.

                       In 1820, the state of Miraj was divided between a Senior and Junior branch. The territory of both branches was widely scattered among other native states and also British districts. Miraj Junior acceded to the Dominion of India on 8 March 1948 and is currently a part of Maharashtra state.


Type-5   -   1940-45, Size 75 X 35 mm. , Perf. 11 , Wove paper, Lord Ganesha.

One Anna, Green, Ref. # 51 

One Anna, Bluish Green, Ref. # 51a 
Two Annas, Bluish Green, Ref. # 52
Three Annas, Green, Ref. # 53
Four Annas, Light Brown, Ref. # 54 a 

Five Rupees, Green, Ref. # 60 

Type-6   -   1936-43 AD, Size 75 X 34 ½  mm. , Perf. 11 ½  , Wove paper, Type 5 redrawn. Letter  changes in both English and Hindi . JUNIOR MIRAJ  STATE over printed in bold in the center with Lord Ganesha in between.

Four Annas, Green, Ref. # 74 

Type-7   -   1943 AD, Size 75 X 34 ½  mm. , Perf. 10 ½  , Type 5 redrawn. Large letters in Hindi  value . New font for English value . Wove paper.  Lord Ganesha.

Two Annas, Green , Ref. # 92 

Three Annas, Violet Blue , Ref. # 93 

Type-8   -   1940-45, Size 79 X 36 ½  mm. , Perf. 11 ½  , Wove paper, Design of Lord Ganesha changed with shaded back ground .

Two Rupees , Deep Green, Ref. # 106 

Revenue Stamp  :-

Type-10   -   1945AD, Size 25 X 31 mm. , Perf. 11 ½  , Wove paper, Lord Ganesha.

One Anna, Green, Ref. # 101 , 
