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Katosan princely state fiscal court fee/revenue stamp

KATOSAN                                                                           (NON  SALUTE  STATE)

Katosan state is formerly Western India States Agency (Sabar Kanta), merged into Saurashtra, now in Gujarat State , Area of state was 10 Sq miles. Privy purse of state on the time of accession was Rs.12,100 . Katosan was a Fourth Class princely state and taluka, ruled by Hindu Rajput Of Jhala Dynasty's Chieftains.

                 It had a combined population of 5,510 in 1901, yielding a state revenue of 26,617 Rupees (some three quarters from land), paying a tribute of 4,893 Rupees to the Gaikwar Baroda State, supplemented by fixed tribute sums for Baroda from individual villages belonging entirely to Katosan state : 430 Rupees from Nadasa, 623 Rupees from Jakasna, 96 Rupees from Ajabpura, 139 Rupees from Gamanpura and 3,580 Rupees from Jotana.

Furthermore, Katosan was also the seat of Katosan Thana. On 1 February 1940, Katosan ceased to exist, being among the princely states merging under the 'Attachment Scheme' into the Gaekwar Baroda State, following its fate into independent India's Bombay State and after its split from Gujarat.


Court  fees  Stamps :--

Type- 5   -   used in 1927-43, Size 69x38 mm., Perf.12, Wove paper.

Four Annas , Pale Green, Ref. # 52 

Type- 6   -   used in 1930-35, Size 27x39mm.,  Perf.12, Wove paper.

1 Anna, Rose-red , Ref. # 61 

Type- 10   -   used in 1944-48, Size 93x39 mm., Perf.11, Wove paper.

Four Annas, Black brown, Ref. # 103

Type- 12   -   used in 1948 AD, Size 74x37 mm., Perf.11, Wove paper.

Four Annas, Bright Orange, Ref. # 123

Revenue  Stamp  :-

Type- 20   -   Used in 1945AD, Size 25x31mm.,  Perf.11 , Wove paper.

One Anna, Reddish  Orange, Ref. # 201
