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Baghelkhand princely state fiscal court fee /revenue stamp

 BAGHELKHAND                                                                ( Non Gun Salute State )

The Bagelkhand Agency was a British political unit which managed the relations of the British with a number of autonomous princely states existing outside British India, namely Rewa and eleven minor states, of which the more important were MaiharNagod —with its capital at Uuchahara— and Sohawal.The Agency was established in March 1871 and was named after the Bagelkhand region. From 1871 to 1933 the Agency was under the political supervision of the Governor-General of India's Agent for Central India, and under the direct supervision of a political Agent who was also the appointed Resident to Rewa State, residing ordinarily at Satna or Rewa. The total area was 14,323 Sq. Miles or 37,100 Sq.Km. and the population of the state in 1901 was 1,555,024.

Bagelkhand or Baghelkhand is a region and also a mountain range in central India that covers the northeastern regions of Madhya Pradesh and a small area of southeastern Uttar Pradesh (see map to the right). It includes the Madhya Pradesh districts of  RewaSatnaShahdolSidhi, and Singrauli and Chitrakoot of Uttar Pradesh.

Bagelkhand is surrounded by the Indo-Gangetic plains in the north and east, Bundelkhand in the west and the Vindhya range in the south.

The Baghels, who give their name to the region, are a branch of the Solanki who once ruled in Gujarat and migrated eastward in the 13th century. Vyaghra Dev was the first Solanki ruler who came to this area from Gujarat and established his rule. Bagh is derived from Vyaghra, which is Sanskrit for "tiger". The descendants of Vyaghra Dev are known as Baghels. Bagelkhand Agency derived its name from the region.


Court fee Stamps :--

Type 5   -  used in 1945-47, size 75x37mm., Imperf. ,  Wove paper , BSG Monogram in left panel box represents Baghelkhand States Group

One  Rupee Orange , Ref. # 55


Type 10   -  used in 1942-45, size 17 x 22 mm., perf. 10 ¼ ,  Wove paper

One Anna , Chestnut , Ref. # 101

